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500.000 streams

Half a million listeners in 2023/24

On 1 September, we renewed the music licences with our provider ICE Services for the next year. The number of listeners in the last licence period exceeded half a million – thank you! We are not alone!

Mother Earth Radio, which has been free-to-air since 2020, is thus rising from a ‘micro-micro’ music streaming service to a ‘mini-micro’ station. I’m delighted and will stay tuned – we’re in it together. Music of quality, streamed in good quality – this obviously not only pleases die-hard vinyl and Hi Res nerds, in times of Spotify and musical uniformity in mp3 format, Mother Earth is not only a blessing for us.

Next year, I’m planning to update our Google Play app, but I still need to familiarise myself with the Android programming language and will try to have a version ready by November.

Many thanks as always to all supporters who have donated. A special thank you to the person who left us some wonderful classical records – I’m already busy recording!

A music licence for the United States is still out of the question, unfortunately, American media law also requires us mini-providers to pay a fee of $1000 per stream plus song billing, so we’re probably talking about $5-600 per year.

Of course, a Germany-wide DAB licence would be even more exciting for us – around €10,000 per year as far as I know.

Chapeau to all listeners for your musical bravery and I wish you continued enjoyment of our programmes!

-Florian Reiterer

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